“With art all things are possible”
Seidougha Linus Eyimiegha

Why Art?
With art all things are possible; it is the ultimate tool I use to express myself and find my innermost satisfaction from. Art also creates the opportunity for others to experience and enjoy my thoughts and feelings. With art I can make statements that will live forever.
How has your practice changed over time?
I have developed and expressed myself in different ways over the years and I’ll keep developing more ways as the spirit leads. It all started with paintings of geometric shapes on various shades of materials. Then I started attaching found objects to my geometric paintings. Later I painted predominantly with red and black on white backgrounds.

Then came the Danfo influence which started in late 2019 and made me to create more yellow dominated paintings still with geometric shapes. However, some of my recent paintings in 2021 have blue and black as the dominant colours. I also have a reasonable number of designs influenced by popular culture which are yet to be exhibited in public.

Who are your biggest influences?
My work was initially influenced by the geometric designs in traditional masks and masquerades. Then later by the geometric designs found on Danfo buses which influenced my Danfo series.
In the developmental stages of my geometric works, I studied the paintings of Piet Mondrian and his mathematical colour balance technique helped me develop mine. Bob-Nosa Uwagboe is an avant-garde Nigerian artist whose artistic practice gave me so much confidence to sincerely create the kind of art I make today. Just like Bob-Nosa, I also want to follow my heart in creating what I truly care about even if it is not popular among my contemporaries.

The freedom and diversity in the works of Damian Heist have inspired me to develop new series of installations. He keeps reaffirming my belief that with art, there are no boundaries.
What does your work aim to say?
I have different bodies of work addressing different issues, however, they all have a connection to Lagos because I am inspired by the day to day struggle of the average Lagosian. My work creates a space for dialogue on varied subjects such as urbanization, popular culture and street slangs common among the Danfo group.

What should we expect from you in the near future?
Expect the unexpected from me.
Seidougha Linus Eyimiegha is a visual artist working out of Lagos Nigeria. You can connect with him on Instagram @seidoughalinuseyimiegha
10 thoughts on “The Evolution of Seidougha Linus Eyimiegha, Danfo Artist”
I love Linus’ art. It speaks about and to the Lagos sensibility. If you have never been to Lagos, his works welcome you to this vibrant city, and if you have been to Lasgidi, you will know that the artist sees it all, and he’s one of us, also living our struggles. Well done my brother. Looking forward to the unexpected from you!
Awesome work Linus!!!!
May the spirit keeps on leading you to greater heights in Jesus name amen 🙏
Your most profound words and the reason why I love Art, “Art also creates the opportunity for others to experience and enjoy my thoughts and feelings”. You are an Original.
The detailed nature, Abstract and Uniqueness of Seidougha’s art gives me joy. He’s ideas are brilliant and surely guarantees longevity.
My personal favourite is the ‘Agbero academy alumni’. Damn! I need that piece on my wall. Keep it up man, the world is coming.
I sincerely appreciate God for your life my friend…and I pray for greater heights for you and your endeavors… more wins,more successes í ½í±í ½í±í ½í²ªí ½í²ª