The month of March is Women’s history month, dedicated to shining light on the struggles, strides and successes of women who having come a long way from being severely marginalized to joining the work force and are currently fighting for equality in today’s world.
This year’s International Women’s Day themed “Break the bias” is geared at getting rid of the bias, stereotypes, and discrimination faced by women today. In commemoration of IWD 2022, we interviewed talented Nigerian artist, Anthonia Ndukauba, on her journey so far and her experience in the Nigerian creative industry.
What inspires you to create?

I am greatly inspired by my immediate environment, feelings, and thoughts. My imagination is my safe space. There I can ideate, conceptualize, and query my concepts. Then I create the physical works you see.
In one word how would you describe your art?
How has your experience as an artist who is a woman been?
My experience so far has been thrilling, exciting and exhausting, all happening at different intervals. However, I’m lucky that I get to meet acquaintances that sometimes play a role in my creative life. I’m usually a homegirl, hence I get to meet few people, both on social media and in the real world. But so far, it’s been me doing it, hoping that someday, I’ll meet like minds that’ll solely stand by me and together, make headlines and art waves soon.
What advice would you give to Artists who are women, what should be foremost on their minds to enable them to thrive in the industry?
Beautiful things take time. My advice to them would be to stay true to themselves, cultivate the virtue of patience, and very importantly, be unafraid to explore diverse mediums because this is how they can evolve and grow. This is the best way to discover or become one’s best self, – an outstanding sovereign artist.

What do you think the biggest problem facing the Nigerian Artist is?
In my opinion, I think the biggest problem facing the Nigerian Artist is a lack of exposure. We’ve got very brilliant artists whose works don’t get the type of recognition they deserve. This brings me to the second point which is the favoritism or political approach to selections that is predominant in Nigeria’s art industry.

How do you think the art industry can be improved to favor women?
Creating conducive learning hubs where women who are artists just starting out can groom their crafts and evolve, will go a long way in making the industry more accommodating for women. Platforms where they can explore different approaches to discovering their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This will usher them into the creative art industry and with time, they’ll find their perfect zone to blossom.
Anthonia is a Nigerian based Painter, you can connect with her on Instagram @Ndukauba_Anthonia