Artist Statement
My works are very much rooted in and revolve around women, obviously, girls, clothes, colours and sometimes men.I am interested in a fresh, fun feeling, yet also rich in features, simple and timeless in style.I love for a feeling of ease, comfort and practicality to always translate into anything that I do, either teaching, drawing or cloth making.At the end of the day, I want my works to be memorable, a representation of who I am. To be meaningful and to become some sort of heritage for generations to come. And hopefully, I would have left my mark.
About Abby David
Abby started drawing and doing fashion illustration a few years after secondary school. In his words, “I realized I wanted to do this more in my second year in the University.” He studied Anatomy from the University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria and went into fashion and fashion design, a few months after his service year.He also took up a job with a fashion brand, as a creative assistant, honing and also developing his skills in fashion design and illustration. From there, he proceeded to work as a fashion educator, precisely in fashion illustration at a fashion school and also worked as a designer for another brand.His work is more freelance now, teaching and doing a few commissioned works.He is at the moment trying to create a platform for some sort of informal, practical style of learning via a space known as Abby David Workspace. It’s all in development, and any other thing can come out of there. Abby is 25 years old.
Instagram: @abbydavid_